

Introducting Dr. Berryhill!
Introducting Dr. Berryhill!

Christine became the first PhD student from the lab to defend! She gave an amazing seminar and we had a blast celebrating all she has accomplished. Christine will move on to a postdoc position with Dr. Steve Angus at IUSM, but she will be immortalized in the lab forever. In her honor we have renamed our mass spec computer workstation in her name and she has hidden several pictures of herself throughout the lab! Congratulations Chrsitine!

Summer Party 2024
Summer Party 2024

The Cornett Lab gathered for the 2nd annual dessert contest and summer party! There was an impressive display of creativity and nerdy science-themed desserts that tasted as good as they looked! Competition was tight, but Christine took home the trophy for her K-OPL-inspired heatmap dessert. Congratulations, Christine!


Lab Service Day 2023
Lab Service Day 2023

After much talk, we finally got out as a lab and volunteered at a local food pantry. We worked hard to stock shelves and process donations. Afterwards we enjoyed the first snow of the season!

EpiCypher Meeting 2023
EpiCypher Meeting 2023

Jocelyne, Christine, Devon, and Evan travled to Cancún, Mexico for the EpiCypher2023 meeting! Jocelyne, Christine, and Devon rocked the poster session, and Evan gave the first talk from the lab at an international conference!

Summer 2023 Recap
Summer 2023 Recap

We had a wonderful summer in the lab, full of fun and science! We were delighted to welcome two talented interns who both presented their work well at poster sessions. Well done Precious and Maggie! We also organized the first-ever lab dessert contest, which was won by the delicious lab-themed pie made by Kaite (see the photo above!). We shared our work with the scientific community at several local and national conferences. And last but not least, we added a new lab member to our team: Devon, who joined us in May. We are very excited to have her join as a PhD student in the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology PhD program.


Summer 2022 Recap
Summer 2022 Recap

Summer 2022 was jam-packed with science. We hosted 5 interns!! Precious and Kenidi (pictured below) joined us through the IUSCCC, and Morgan Clouse joined us through SNRI. We also co-hosted two medical students from Dubai (Virginia and Laila) with the Georgiadis lab.

ASMS 2022
ASMS 2022

Jocelyne and Christine attended the 70th American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics last week and made the lab proud! Christine presented our lab’s efforts to optimize workflows for the global detection of lysine methylation using mass spectrometry. This was the first Cornett Lab poster at an in-person conference! They came back with a lot of new ideas for their projects, new connections, and some awesome conference swag!


2021 Recap
2021 Recap

2021 was a busy year in the Cornett Lab! We bid farewell to two lab members in the summer. Rebekah Jackson (Chemistry undergraduate at IUPUI, LHSI program) completed her internship and will move on to pursue computational chemistry research in the fall. Dr. Alison Bates (postdoc) moved on to a research scientist position at Elanco! We moved across the street into the Van Nuys Medical Science Building in the fall, bringing us closer to some of our departmental colleagues and collaborators. Finally, Jocelyne and Christine successfully defended their thesis proposals and passed their qualifying exams. After completing their coursework in the Spring, they will move on to be official candidates for their respective Doctoral degrees! Kudos Jocelyne and Christine. We celebrated with a lab outing to an escape room and randomly drew a celebratory patch for their lab coats!


Closing the door on 2020.
Closing the door on 2020.

The end of 2020 is finally upon us! Despite all the disruptions and chaos, the Cornett lab has a lot to be thankful for this year. 2020 was the year we really became a lab, and it was filled with plenty of firsts! We hosted our first rotation students. Jocelyne and Christine joined as the lab’s first graduate students in the spring. In the summer, we hosted our first intern, Simone. This fall, we welcomed our first undergraduate student, Rebekah Jackson. Rebekah will be with us for a year as a part of the IUPUI Life Health Science Internship (LHSI) program. We also received our first postdoc! Dr. Alison Bates joined in September as a joint postdoc with the Georgiadis Lab. Despite the shutdowns, shipping delays, and occasional quarantine periods, Jocelyne, Christine, Rebekah, and Alison have all made great strides in their projects.

Welcome Chrsitine and Jocelyne!
Welcome Chrsitine and Jocelyne!

We are back in the lab after shutting down in early March to slow the spread of COVID-19. We are thrilled to welcome Christine and Jocelyne to the lab full-time to complete their PhDs in Biochemistry and Medical Neuroscience, respectively.


In the beginning...
In the beginning...

The Cornett Lab is open for science. The equipment is on the way to fill this beautiful lab space. The only missing ingredient is a curious team ready to tackle lysine methylation signaling. We are currently looking for a research technician and a postdoc. Keep your eye open for advertisements to be posted soon, and if you are interested, feel free to send your CV and a statement of your research experience and interests to Evan (

Happy trails to the Rothbart Lab!
Happy trails to the Rothbart Lab!

Evan wrapped up his postdoctoral training in the Rothbart lab at the Van Andel Institute today! It was a sad day saying bye to so many colleagues and friends. However, this day marks another big step toward the Cornett lab opening its doors in just one month!